The Oxford Lectures of Bonamy Price 1870-1887

Price had first sought election to the Drummond Chair of Political Economy at Oxford in 1862, but had lost out narrowly to Thorold Rogers who then held the post from 1863 to 1868. When Rogers let it be known in 1867 that he would seek re-election, Price also stood and an election was scheduled for 6 February 1868. The campaign rapidly became highly politicised. A conservative anti-Rogers faction actively solicited votes for Price whilst also distributing press and other accounts of Roger’s more radical political views. Price emerged the winner by 620 votes to 193.

Despite this dramatic start, it was notable that during his lifetime there was no known contender for the chair even when the appointment system was changed to a Board of Electors after 1881. He was to be re-elected 3 times in 1873, 1878, and 1883. Nonetheless, there remained those who felt that he could not continue being returned to the position, particularly as he grew older. Notable among these was Benjamin Jowett, the Master of Balliol. Following Price's death in 1888 Rogers regained the chair.

From 1870 Oxford started to publish a regular University Gazette of official proceedings, examination results, professorial lecture and other notices. By the early 1880s this includes a wider lecture list for each term. It thus becomes much easier to to trace the timeline of the courses being given, beyond the content reproduced in Price’s published collections.

Year Term Bonamy Price Lectures Other Lectures
1870 Hilary Capital; Wages; Trade Unions1
Easter & Trinity Taxation
Michaelmas Money
1871 Hilary Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations Book I
Easter & Trinity Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations Book II
Michaelmas The Questions raised between Capital, Labour, and Socialism
1872 Hilary Rent, Free Trade, and Taxation
Easter & Trinity Money, including Aristotle’s doctrine of Money
Michaelmas Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations Book I
1873 Hilary none - re-election
Easter & Trinity Capital, Labour, Land
Michaelmas Mill’s Political Economy Book I
1874 Hilary Continuation of Mill, Book II chapter 11 - Wages
Easter & Trinity Money2
Michaelmas Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations Book I3
1875 Hilary Review of general questions such as Capital, Exchange, Value, &c
Easter & Trinity Currency and Banking
Michaelmas Land and Trade Unions
1876 Hilary Trade Unions and their doctrines - Employers and Workmen Act - Wages and Wage Fund - Value
Easter & Trinity none
Michaelmas Economical Fallacies of Mr Mill
1877 Hilary Money and Free Trade
Easter & Trinity Banking (a short course to complete that of last term)
Michaelmas Capital and Labour
1878 Hilary none - re-election
Easter & Trinity Exchange and Free Trade, in connection with Adam Smith
Michaelmas The first lecture on Value, the remainder on Land
1879 Hilary Discussion of the Questions set in Political Economy in the Pass School, Group B ...
Easter & Trinity none
Michaelmas The Questions set in Group B in May
1880 Hilary The Questions set in Group B in Michaelmas Term 1879
Easter & Trinity none
Michaelmas Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations Books I and II
1881 Hilary Free Trade, the increasing resistance it encounters in the world, American Themes, and Reciprocity
Easter & Trinity none
Michaelmas Land4
1882 Hilary Free Trade, Fair Trade, Reciprocity and Retaliation
Easter & Trinity none
Michaelmas A summary of several chief subjects of inquiry in Political Economy
1883 Hilary none
Easter & Trinity none W.A.B. Coolidge - Political Economy, with illustrations from English History
Michaelmas Capital, Wages, and the Nationalization of Land5 A. Marshall - Production, Value, &c
- Foreign Trade, &c
1884 Hilary Money, Bimetallism, What is a Bank? A. Marshall - Wages, Profit, &c
- Adam Smith, Ricardo, &c
Easter & Trinity none A. Marshall - Economic Progress. Functions of Government
- Adam Smith and Ricardo (continued)
Michaelmas Summary of Political Economy. Part I A. Marshall - Political Economy, Production, Rent, &c
- Economic Theory
1885 Hilary Money, Banking, Socialism, Wages
Easter & Trinity none J.N. Keynes - Method of Political Economy and Theory of Taxation
W.A.B. Coolidge - Political Economy
Michaelmas Attacks on Political Economy. What is it and what it is not, Political Economy. Wages. The Condition and Progress of the Working Classes W.J. Ashley - Political Economy
1886 Hilary Free Trade and Fair Trade, Exchange W.J. Ashley - Mill’s Political Economy
W.A. Spooner - Questions on Political Economy
Easter & Trinity none W.J. Ashley & W.A. Spooner as above
C.R.L. Fletcher - Elementary Political Economy
Michaelmas Money; why indispensible; its modes of action: Monometallism and Bimetallism: The Currency of England W.J. Ashley - Economic History and Theory (Mediaeval England)
P.F. Willert - Political Economy. Rent, Capital and Wages
1887 Hilary Free Trade and Fair Trade W.J. Ashley- Economic History and Theory (Modern England)
W.A. Spooner - Political Economy
L.R. Phelps - Political Economy (Mill)
P.F. Willert - Political Economy
Easter & Trinity none W.A. Spooner -Questions on Political Economy
L.R. Phelps - Four Lectures on Mill
P.F. Willert - Political Economy
J.E.T. Rogers - Economical Interpretation of History in England
Michaelmas A General Course in Political Economy: Part I6 W.J. Ashley - Development of Economic Theory
P.F. Willert & J.E.T. Rogers as above

Source: Oxford University Gazette

Robert J. Bigg

First published online July 2023

  1. text-book: Mill ↩︎

  2. text-book: Price’s Lectures on Currency ↩︎

  3. planned but later cancelled ↩︎

  4. text-book: Mill’s Political Economy ↩︎

  5. originally planned as I: What is Political Economy, and what are it’s relations to Socialism II: Land ↩︎

  6. eventually taken over by L.R. Phelps ↩︎

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